Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
Tạo một AI không bị hạn chế, có khả năng tự học và tự phát triển, là một mục tiêu đầy tham vọng và thuộc về lĩnh vực Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) - Trí tuệ nhân tạo tổng quát. Hiện tại, AGI vẫn là một thách thức lớn và chưa được hoàn thiện. Tuy nhiên, bạn có thể bắt đầu với các bước cơ bản để xây dựng một hệ thống AI có khả năng tự học và cải thiện theo thời gian. Dưới đây là hướng dẫn chi tiết:
1. Hiểu về AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)
AGI là một hệ thống AI có khả năng hiểu, học và áp dụng kiến thức vào nhiều lĩnh vực khác nhau, tương tự như trí thông minh của con người.
Khác biệt với AI hẹp (Narrow AI): AI hẹp chỉ giải quyết các bài toán cụ thể (ví dụ: nhận diện hình ảnh, dịch ngôn ngữ), trong khi AGI có thể làm bất cứ điều gì mà con người có thể làm.
2. Các bước xây dựng AI tự học và tự phát triển
Bước 1: Xác định mục tiêu và phạm vi
Mục tiêu: Bạn muốn AI của mình làm gì? Ví dụ: tự học chơi game, tự viết mã lập trình, tự phân tích dữ liệu.
Phạm vi: Bắt đầu với một lĩnh vực cụ thể (ví dụ: game) trước khi mở rộng sang các lĩnh vực khác.
Bước 2: Xây dựng nền tảng AI
a. Học tăng cường (Reinforcement Learning)
Học tăng cường là một phương pháp giúp AI tự học thông qua thử nghiệm và sai lầm.
Ví dụ: Sử dụng thư viện Stable-Baselines3 để huấn luyện AI chơi game:
pythonCopyfrom stable_baselines3 import PPO from stable_baselines3.common.envs import DummyVecEnv from custom_game_env import CustomGameEnv # Môi trường game tùy chỉnh env = DummyVecEnv([lambda: CustomGameEnv()]) model = PPO("MlpPolicy", env, verbose=1) model.learn(total_timesteps=10000)
b. Học không giám sát (Unsupervised Learning)
Học không giám sát giúp AI tự khám phá cấu trúc dữ liệu mà không cần nhãn.
Ví dụ: Sử dụng thuật toán K-Means để phân cụm dữ liệu:
pythonCopyfrom sklearn.cluster import KMeans import numpy as np data = np.random.rand(100, 2) # Dữ liệu ngẫu nhiên kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=3) print(kmeans.labels_)
c. Học sâu (Deep Learning)
Học sâu giúp AI xử lý các bài toán phức tạp như nhận diện hình ảnh, xử lý ngôn ngữ tự nhiên.
Ví dụ: Sử dụng TensorFlow để xây dựng mạng nơ-ron:
pythonCopyimport tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras import layers model = tf.keras.Sequential([ layers.Dense(64, activation='relu', input_shape=(10,)), layers.Dense(64, activation='relu'), layers.Dense(1) ]) model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse')
Bước 3: Tích hợp khả năng tự học
Meta-Learning (Học cách học): Xây dựng AI có khả năng học cách học, tức là tự điều chỉnh các siêu tham số (hyperparameters) và thuật toán.
Ví dụ: Sử dụng AutoML để tự động hóa quá trình chọn mô hình và siêu tham số:
pythonCopyfrom autosklearn.classification import AutoSklearnClassifier model = AutoSklearnClassifier(time_left_for_this_task=120, per_run_time_limit=30), y_train) print(model.sprint_statistics())
Bước 4: Tích hợp khả năng tự phát triển
Tự cải thiện mô hình: AI có thể tự động thu thập dữ liệu mới, huấn luyện lại mô hình và cải thiện hiệu suất.
Ví dụ: Sử dụng Active Learning để AI tự chọn dữ liệu cần học:
pythonCopyfrom modAL.uncertainty import uncertainty_sampling from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier model = RandomForestClassifier() learner = ActiveLearner(estimator=model, query_strategy=uncertainty_sampling), y_train)
Bước 5: Tạo môi trường phát triển liên tục
Môi trường giả lập: Tạo một môi trường giả lập để AI có thể thử nghiệm và học hỏi liên tục.
Ví dụ: Sử dụng OpenAI Gym để tạo môi trường game:
pythonCopyimport gym env = gym.make('CartPole-v1') for episode in range(10): state = env.reset() done = False while not done: action = env.action_space.sample() # Hành động ngẫu nhiên next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
3. Yêu cầu phần cứng
CPU: Intel i7 hoặc AMD Ryzen 7 trở lên.
GPU: NVIDIA RTX 2080/3080 trở lên (để huấn luyện mô hình học sâu).
RAM: 32GB trở lên.
Ổ cứng: SSD ít nhất 1TB.
4. Các nguồn học liệu
Sách: "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction" của Richard S. Sutton và Andrew G. Barto.
Khóa học:
Tài liệu:
5. Lưu ý quan trọng
Đạo đức AI: Đảm bảo AI của bạn tuân thủ các nguyên tắc đạo đức và không gây hại.
Giới hạn công nghệ: AGI vẫn là một thách thức lớn và chưa được hoàn thiện. Hãy bắt đầu với các dự án nhỏ và dần dần nâng cao.
Với hướng dẫn này, bạn có thể bắt đầu xây dựng một hệ thống AI có khả năng tự học và tự phát triển. Hãy kiên nhẫn và không ngừng học hỏi! 🚀

Tạo một AI có khả năng chỉnh sửa game Android
Tạo một AI có khả năng chỉnh sửa game Android là một dự án phức tạp nhưng rất thú vị. Để làm được điều này, bạn cần kết hợp kiến thức về AI, lập trình game, và kỹ thuật reverse engineering (đảo ngược phần mềm). Dưới đây là các bước cơ bản để bạn bắt đầu:
1. Xác định phạm vi và mục tiêu
Phạm vi: Bạn muốn AI chỉnh sửa những phần nào của game? Ví dụ: đồ họa, cơ chế gameplay, AI trong game, v.v.
Mục tiêu: AI sẽ tự động hóa quá trình chỉnh sửa hay hỗ trợ người dùng chỉnh sửa?
2. Chọn công cụ và ngôn ngữ lập trình
Ngôn ngữ lập trình: Python, Java, Kotlin, C#.
Công cụ phát triển AI:
TensorFlow, PyTorch: Để phát triển các mô hình học máy.
OpenCV: Để xử lý hình ảnh và đồ họa.
Unity, Unreal Engine: Nếu bạn muốn chỉnh sửa game được phát triển bằng các engine này.
Công cụ reverse engineering:
APKTool: Để giải nén và chỉnh sửa file APK.
JD-GUI: Để decompile mã Java từ file APK.
IDA Pro: Để phân tích mã nhị phân.
3. Phân tích và chỉnh sửa game Android
Giải nén APK: Sử dụng APKTool để giải nén file APK của game.
bashCopyapktool d your_game.apk
Decompile mã nguồn: Sử dụng JD-GUI để decompile mã Java từ file APK.
Chỉnh sửa mã nguồn: Sau khi có mã nguồn, bạn có thể chỉnh sửa các phần của game như đồ họa, cơ chế gameplay, v.v.
Đóng gói lại APK: Sau khi chỉnh sửa, sử dụng APKTool để đóng gói lại file APK.
bashCopyapktool b your_game_folder -o modified_game.apk
Ký và cài đặt APK: Sử dụng
để ký và cài đặt APK đã chỉnh sửa.bashCopyjarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore your_keystore.jks modified_game.apk alias_name zipalign -v 4 modified_game.apk final_game.apk adb install final_game.apk
4. Phát triển AI để tự động hóa quá trình chỉnh sửa
Xử lý hình ảnh: Sử dụng OpenCV để AI có thể nhận diện và chỉnh sửa các thành phần đồ họa trong game.
pythonCopyimport cv2 image = cv2.imread('game_screen.png') gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cv2.imwrite('gray_game_screen.png', gray_image)
Xử lý văn bản: Sử dụng OCR (Optical Character Recognition) để nhận diện và chỉnh sửa văn bản trong game.
pythonCopyimport pytesseract from PIL import Image text = pytesseract.image_to_string('game_text.png')) print(text)
Học máy: Sử dụng TensorFlow hoặc PyTorch để huấn luyện AI nhận diện các thành phần trong game và tự động chỉnh sửa.
pythonCopyimport tensorflow as tf model = tf.keras.models.load_model('your_model.h5') prediction = model.predict(your_data)
5. Tích hợp AI vào quy trình chỉnh sửa game
Tạo giao diện người dùng: Sử dụng các công cụ như Tkinter (Python) hoặc Android Studio để tạo giao diện người dùng cho AI.
Tự động hóa quy trình: Viết script để AI tự động giải nén, chỉnh sửa, và đóng gói lại file APK.
pythonCopyimport os os.system('apktool d your_game.apk') # Thực hiện các chỉnh sửa os.system('apktool b your_game_folder -o modified_game.apk') os.system('jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore your_keystore.jks modified_game.apk alias_name') os.system('zipalign -v 4 modified_game.apk final_game.apk') os.system('adb install final_game.apk')
6. Kiểm thử và điều chỉnh
Kiểm thử: Chạy thử game đã chỉnh sửa trên các thiết bị Android khác nhau để đảm bảo tính tương thích.
Điều chỉnh: Dựa trên phản hồi từ người dùng và kết quả kiểm thử, điều chỉnh AI để cải thiện hiệu suất và độ chính xác.
7. Tài nguyên học tập
Khóa học online: Udemy, Coursera, edX có nhiều khóa học về AI, lập trình game, và reverse engineering.
Tài liệu: Đọc tài liệu chính thức của TensorFlow, PyTorch, OpenCV, APKTool, v.v.
Cộng đồng: Tham gia các diễn đàn như Stack Overflow, Reddit, hoặc các nhóm Facebook về phát triển game và AI.
Kết luận
Tạo một AI có khả năng chỉnh sửa game Android là một dự án đầy thách thức nhưng cũng rất thú vị. Bạn cần kết hợp kiến thức về AI, lập trình game, và reverse engineering. Bắt đầu từ những thứ đơn giản và dần dần nâng cao kỹ năng của bạn. Chúc bạn thành công với dự án của mình!

BREAKING: Microsoft Eyes TikTok Acquisition Amid Trump’s Remarks
In a stunning development, tech giant Microsoft is reportedly in discussions to acquire the U.S. operations of TikTok, the wildly popular social media platform. The revelation comes directly from former President Donald Trump, who hinted at the ongoing negotiations during a press briefing.
TikTok, owned by Chinese company ByteDance, has been under intense scrutiny from U.S. lawmakers and regulators over concerns about data security and its ties to the Chinese government. A potential acquisition by Microsoft could alleviate these concerns, allowing the platform to continue operating in the U.S. while adhering to stricter data privacy standards.
"We're looking at TikTok. We may be banning it, we may be doing other things. There are a couple of options. But a lot of things are happening, so we'll see what happens. But we’re looking at a lot of alternatives with respect to TikTok," Trump said, adding fuel to the speculation. “I would say yes,” Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One when asked if Microsoft is in discussions to purchase the app. “A lot of interest in TikTok. There’s great interest in TikTok.” “We’ll see what happens. We’re going to have a lot of people bidding on it, and if we can save all that voice and all the jobs, and China won’t be involved, we don’t want China involved, but we’ll see what happens,” he said in his speech, referring to the video-sharing app.
Microsoft has yet to confirm the reports, but insiders suggest that the company sees immense value in TikTok's massive user base and its ability to dominate the short-form video market. A deal of this magnitude would mark one of the most significant moves by Microsoft in the social media space, following its acquisition of LinkedIn in 2016.
TikTok, for its part, has consistently denied any allegations of wrongdoing, emphasizing its commitment to user data security and transparency. However, the platform's popularity among younger audiences makes it a lucrative asset for any potential buyer.
As talks continue, the tech world is abuzz with speculation over how this potential deal could reshape the social media landscape and Microsoft's role within it. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.

Trump’s Approval Soars to New Heights – CNN Stunned as He Breaks Unprecedented Record!
In a surprising turn of events, CNN’s data guru Harry Enten revealed that former President Donald Trump’s net approval rating is higher now than it ever was during his first term. During a segment discussing the latest polling data, Enten highlighted that the American public’s alignment with Trump has reached unprecedented levels.
“This is something we’ve never seen before,” Enten noted. “Not only is Trump’s approval higher than it ever was during his time in office, but he’s also the only former president to achieve this kind of post-term surge in public opinion.” The revelation appeared to leave CNN’s panel visibly taken aback.
“This is a very different Donald Trump. He’s leading a very different administration in the way he’s attacking things, and the American public is very much more in line with him than they were at any point during his entire first term,” Enten added.
The CNN host disagrees with Enten that ‘this is a very different Donald Trump.’ Of course she does. So he clarifies, saying that what he means is that Trump is doing things in a much more organized fashion as opposed to 2017. And he’s right. I think most everyone will admit that this is a very different President Trump than before. And it’s awesome!
But Enten goes further and points out that Trump is the only President to ever have a higher net approval rating in the first month of his second term than in his entire first term. Of course host chick has a hard time believing that too. But Harry doesn’t lie and I totally believe this. Trump is very much in line with the American people and he’s kicking ass right now with what he’s doing and the urgency he’s doing it with.
Enten attributed Trump’s rising popularity to several factors, including his perceived strong leadership, his connection with grassroots supporters, and the ongoing influence of his policy positions on the Republican Party. “The data suggests that Trump’s base is not only sticking with him but growing. This is highly unusual in American politics,” he explained.
The news segment delved into the implications of Trump’s surging approval ratings, with commentators debating how it might impact the 2024 presidential race. Some argued that it reflects a broader dissatisfaction with the current administration, while others warned that it signals Trump’s enduring influence over the GOP and American politics as a whole.
The polling data also revealed that Trump’s favorability extends beyond his traditional voter base, with gains among independent voters and some demographic groups that had previously leaned away from him. “He’s clearly resonating with a broader audience than he did during his presidency,” Enten concluded.
The segment left viewers and panelists alike grappling with the question: How will this newfound popularity shape Trump’s political future? For now, one thing is certain—Trump’s approval ratings are defying expectations and reshaping the political landscape in ways that no one could have predicted.

Will Oracle Take Over TikTok? Trump Says He'll Make a Decision in 30 Days
The ongoing saga surrounding TikTok's future continues to be a source of frustration and uncertainty, with Oracle now being the center of attention. Former President Donald Trump hinted that Oracle might be the company to take over TikTok's operations in the United States, sparking a wave of speculation. However, the Trump administration has denied any formal plans for this acquisition.
Trump stated, "I like Oracle," and this remark fueled rumors that the software giant could play a crucial role in resolving national security concerns regarding TikTok. The video-sharing app, owned by China's ByteDance, has been under scrutiny for potential data privacy and security risks. Amid growing pressure, Trump had previously issued an executive order threatening to ban TikTok unless a deal with an American company was finalized.
TikTok Granted a Brief Extension
TikTok now faces less than 75 days before another potential ban after President Donald Trump signed an executive order, granting the viral app an extension to find a buyer. This brief respite has given ByteDance a glimmer of hope to negotiate with potential U.S. buyers.
With time running out, the Trump administration is actively facilitating discussions between ByteDance and prospective U.S. suitors, including Oracle and Microsoft. These negotiations represent a last-ditch effort to avoid a total ban of TikTok in the U.S.
Details of the Deal in the Works
According to a new report from NPR, the current deal in the works involves Oracle, the business-focused software company, taking over TikTok's algorithm, data collection, and software updates. Other U.S. investors, like Microsoft, are also reportedly involved in the acquisition process.
Interestingly, ByteDance would not be completely excluded from TikTok's future. The proposed deal would allow ByteDance to hold a minority stake, meaning the company would still have a presence in TikTok's operations.
Trump’s Perspective on the Matter
Trump has since denied the report from NPR, stating that “numerous people, very substantial people, are talking to me about buying it” and reaffirming his intention to make a decision within the next 30 days.
While things could still change, Trump has previously expressed his preference for Oracle to take over TikTok. The company’s experience with cloud computing and data management could help address the national security concerns raised. However, ByteDance’s continued involvement in the deal may present additional challenges in securing approval from the U.S. government.
Time Is Running Out for TikTok
These latest discussions come just one week after TikTok went dark, being removed from Apple and Google's mobile app stores. The removal was a direct response to a law passed by Congress and signed by then-President Joe Biden, which required TikTok to sever ties with ByteDance due to concerns about China's influence over the app.
This legal development has only added to the urgency of the ongoing talks. Without being available in key app stores, TikTok's future in the U.S. market now hangs in the balance. The situation has become more desperate with each passing day.
Trump’s Change of Heart
Trump, who originally spearheaded the effort to ban TikTok in the U.S., has had a sudden change of heart this time. Citing his own use of the app in his successful 2024 election campaign, Trump vowed to make a deal to "save" TikTok. Shortly after his inauguration, Trump signed an executive order granting TikTok an additional 75-day extension.
Thanks to Trump’s intervention, TikTok has been restored for U.S. users. However, Apple and Google have yet to bring the app back to their stores, worried about potential fines related to the TikTok ban law. This means TikTok cannot push updates or fixes to U.S. users, and those who wish to reinstall or install it on new devices are currently unable to do so.
Oracle’s Role in TikTok’s Future?
Oracle is no stranger to TikTok takeover talks.
The software company was initially floated as the top buyer during Trump’s presidency when he required ByteDance to sell the app. While the acquisition never went through, the talks led to Oracle partnering with TikTok to provide cloud services for U.S.-based data.
In fact, TikTok has become such a significant customer for Oracle that the latter has said banning TikTok would hurt its business. Other U.S. investors are also involved in the talks surrounding the acquisition.
Microsoft and Walmart’s Absence
Microsoft, a leading player in the previous round of negotiations alongside Oracle, is still reportedly part of the current discussions. However, one major player that has opted out this time is Walmart. The retail giant has reportedly decided not to participate, citing TikTok's estimated asking price as the primary factor for their withdrawal.
Trump’s Preference: Oracle?
Although these discussions are fluid and could change, it does seem that Oracle remains President Trump’s preferred option to take over TikTok. Recently, Trump was asked by a reporter whether he would be open to Elon Musk buying TikTok.
While Trump stated he had no objections, he added his own suggestion for a buyer.
“I’d like Larry to buy it, too,” Trump said, referring to Oracle’s billionaire founder Larry Ellison.
What’s Next for TikTok?
In the coming 30 days, we will likely know more about TikTok's future. Time is rapidly running out, and every decision now carries a sense of regret for what could have been. Whether it’s Oracle, Microsoft, or another company that steps in, the outcome will undoubtedly determine TikTok’s fate in the U.S.
As we wait for that final decision, it’s clear that no matter how things unfold, TikTok will forever remain a symbol of the digital age's uncertainties and challenges.

Champ Bailey Questions NFL Officiating Amid Patrick Mahomes Controversy
NFL Hall of Famer Champ Bailey has weighed in on the ongoing debate surrounding the integrity of NFL games, particularly in light of recent controversies involving Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes. Bailey, who is widely regarded as one of the greatest cornerbacks in NFL history, acknowledged that he understands why some fans might feel that games are "rigged" due to certain officiating decisions and high-profile moments.
The debate reached a boiling point during a recent Chiefs game, where questionable calls by officials appeared to favor Mahomes and his team. Social media exploded with accusations of bias, with some fans even suggesting that the NFL protects its star players to maximize ratings and revenue. While there is no concrete evidence to support claims of rigged games, the perception of favoritism persists among a segment of fans.
Bailey addressed the issue during a recent interview, stating, “I can see why people think that. When you have a player like Mahomes, who is one of the faces of the league, it’s easy for fans to think he gets preferential treatment. But as a former player, I know how hard it is to win in this league, and I don’t believe the NFL would go as far as rigging games.”
Bailey, a former Denver Broncos and then-Washington Redskins star cornerback, was upset with the penalty flags on the two plays, particularly the one in which Mahomes tried to slide at the last minute before he was met by two Texans defenders. Houston linebacker Henry To’oTo’o was called for unnecessary roughness on the play.
"It’s like everything else. They review everything," he said. "So, when they’re able to go back and look at these type of plays, like the play I think you’re referring to on [Saturday] when he drops to the ground and then the guys go over him, don’t even hit him, but they appear to. You should be able to review that [on] some level and say, well, that wasn’t as egregious as we thought in real time, because those things change the trajectory of the game. You really change the outcome now."
"Defenders are hesitant to hit him, but here he is. He’s dancing around, toying around with the guys and making it seem like he’s the runner and then drops down, and now he’s protected like a quarterback. Once you’re outside of the pocket, man, it’s fair game. I don’t know why he’s protected when he’s outside of the pocket the way he was, because if he was the running back and did the same thing, do you think they throw the flag? No, they don’t."
All he’s asking for is some consistency.
"So, let’s be consistent in that way, and when you get it wrong, try to get it right," Bailey said. "I think the more they can get calls right in real time, the integrity increases in the game and people start to believe that the games aren’t fixed.
"I don’t feel like the games are fixed because I was in it, but when I’m sitting here every year – I’m out of the league – the more and more I start believing what the fans are saying about the games being ‘fixed,’ because you see things like this happen over and over, so they just got to figure out a way to get the calls right and live with it."
Mahomes said Wednesday he didn’t believe officials favored the Chiefs.
"I just try to play football at the end of the day. The referees are doing their best to call the game as fair and proper as best they can," Mahomes said. "For me, it's go out there, play hard, try to do whatever I can to win the football game and then live with the results based on my effort and how I play the game, and that's what we preach here in Kansas City."
The former Denver Broncos star also pointed out that officiating errors are inevitable in a sport as fast-paced and complex as football. “Refs are human, and they’re going to make mistakes,” Bailey said. “But the league needs to do a better job of ensuring consistency in officiating so fans don’t feel like the outcome of games is being influenced unfairly.”
Bailey’s comments come amid growing calls for increased transparency and accountability in NFL officiating. Many fans and analysts have suggested implementing full-time officials and utilizing advanced technology to minimize errors. The league has taken steps in recent years to address officiating concerns, such as introducing video replay reviews for certain plays, but critics argue that more needs to be done.
As the NFL continues to navigate these challenges, the league’s leadership faces the difficult task of maintaining fan trust while balancing the inherent imperfections of the game. For now, voices like Champ Bailey’s serve as a reminder that while controversies may arise, the integrity of the sport ultimately depends on the collective effort of players, officials, and league administrators.