Devin Nunes responds to loony Swalwell interview and NAILS the heck out of it!
This morning we showed you the ridiculous interview with Rep. Swalwell, who claims the phony dossier is ‘factual’ and still believes Trump is a Russian agent.
“No, I actually think you should just give him the entire show because the American people will see what they voted for,” Nunes said before comparing the search for a “Russian ghost somewhere” with “trying to find a chupacabra,” a mythical animal.“They are like a bunch of chupacabra hunters,” he continued. “They have never seen it. They’ve never had any evidence. They said they have more than a circumstantial evidence. They said they have direct evidence. The truth of the matter is the people who colluded with the Russians were the Democrats. The Democrats paid Christopher Steele, a former British spy, to get dirt on Trump from Russia. That is just a fact.”

UNBELIEVABLE: Rachel Maddow’s ratings PLUMMETED after Mueller Report!
Rachel Maddow shows a pattern in behavior by the Trump administration of making dramatic announcements without following through to make sure the thing they announced ends up being real, and expresses caution about the announcement of the Mueller report happening without actually sharing the Mueller report.
Within MSNBC, there’s an acknowledgement that the Trump-Russia narrative on which the cable network—and especially its primetime star Maddow—built monster ratings has fizzled for the moment.Insiders also claim not to be surprised that the conclusion of the long-awaited Mueller report—or at least the Trump-appointed attorney general’s summary—was a whimper, not a bang for an outlet that has invested so much time and energy, in primetime and throughout its dayparts, in the notion that Trump is unworthy of the Oval Office and might at some point be forced to give it up.And it’s also possible that the Mueller disappointment drove loyal viewers away in much the same way that people avoid looking at their 401(k)s when the stock market is down. Maddow, who has consistently vied for the first or second top-rated cable news program, was sixth on Monday evening, down almost 500,000 total viewers from the previous Monday, as was MSNBC’s second top-rated program in primetime, The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell.
I’ll be looking forward to Tuesday night to see if the trend continues. I’m crossing my fingers!Conversely, “It was obviously a big couple of nights for Fox,” said one network insider, claiming, however, that nobody at MSNBC is panicking.

Katy Tur calls out Sen Hirono for trying to have it BOTH WAYS on Green New Deal
Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) joins MTP Daily to discuss Democrats pivoting to health care after the Mueller report memo and what their strategy is going forward. Trump health care equals ‘big fat zeroes’
But isn’t that an argument that you just made to vote ‘yes’ for it. I mean McConnell may be trying to make it a show vote… You’ve signed onto this, you’re one of the co-authors of it. If you believe that this is something – even if it’s aspirational – that needs to get done, why not take a stand and vote YES for it, [saying] ‘here’s where the Democrats stand on it’ and ‘we don’t don’t care that it’s a show vote from Leader McConnell.’It seems like you’re trying to have it both ways – not be hung by it politically but also NOT say that you don’t support it.

Jusuf Nurkic comes down awkwardly and suffers a devastating Gordon Hayward-like injury.
GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING: Jusuf Nurkic comes down awkwardly and suffers a devastating Gordon Hayward-like injury.

Hình Học 9 - HKII - VĨnh Lộc A

Hillary Clinton says: 'I'm not running' for president in 2020
"I'm not running, but I'm going to keep on working and speaking and
standing up for what I believe," Clinton told the station, in the first
local television interview since the midterm elections. Clinton also
said she is "not going anywhere."
"What's at stake in our country, the kind of things that are happening
right now are deeply troubling to me. And I'm also thinking hard about
how do we start talking and listening to each other again?" she said.
"We've just gotten so polarized. We've gotten into really opposing camps
unlike anything I've ever seen in my adult life."

Hướng dẫn giải Hóa 10 - Áp dụng bảo toàn điện tích

Michelle Malkin doesn’t pull ANY punches in feisty CPAC speech!
I haven’t been able to watch hardly any of the CPAC 2019 speeches, but regardless of that I’m going to go out on a limb and say that if there’s just one CPAC speech you need to watch, it’s this one.
I am not overstating this. This is the kind of speech CPAC was designed for!
Michelle Malkin didn’t pull any punches from those who are doing harm to our country via terrible immigration policies, whether it be Democrats or Republicans.
She also called out those who silence conservatives and naming names, even taking a shot at CPAC itself for doing this in the past.
And Van Jones, who’s getting kudos this week for praising Republicans yesterday at CPAC – well she made sure to remind everyone of how his group, Color of Change, has been part of the hard left working against conservative policies and silencing conservatives.
I can’t go through everything she talked about, but the main focus of her speech was on immigration. She wanted to ensure that it got more than just one 20 minute discussion. The latter portion of her speech focused on how important conservative activism really is and how that’s the only way things are truly going to change.
After watching the whole speech, I’m left with the feeling that it’s time to restart the Tea Party all over again and make sure the amnesty lovers on the right don’t take it over this time.
Seriously, watch her speech.

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