The Trump administration announced a rollback of Michelle Obama’s signature initiative for healthy school lunches on Friday

On Friday, Barack Obama continued his streak of heart-felt posts for his wife with a photo collage, wishing her a happy birthday. He posted it on his Instagram and Twitter accounts.

"In every scene, you are my star, @MichelleObama! Happy birthday, baby!," the former president wrote in his posts.
    The black and white photos show the love birds hugging, kissing, and mugging for the camera.
    The Trump administration moved on Friday to roll back school nutrition standards championed by Michelle Obama, an effort long sought by food manufacturers and some school districts that have chafed at the cost of Mrs. Obama’s prescriptions for fresh fruit and vegetables.
    The proposed rule by the Agriculture Department, coming on the former first lady’s birthday, would give schools more latitude to decide how much fruit to offer during breakfast and what types of vegetables to include in meals. It would also broaden what counts as a snack.
    A spokeswoman for the department said that it had not intended to roll out the proposed rule on Mrs. Obama’s birthday, although some Democratic aides on Capitol Hill had their doubts. Food companies applauded the proposal, while nutritionists condemned it, predicting that starchy foods like potatoes would replace green vegetables and that fattening foods like hamburgers would be served daily as “snacks.”
    “Schools and school districts continue to tell us that there is still too much food waste and that more common-sense flexibility is needed to provide students nutritious and appetizing meals,” Sonny Perdue, the agriculture secretary, said in a statement. “We listened and now we’re getting to work.”
    This has been a pretty good week for Michelle Obama.
    So a couple of things. You aren’t gonna get our fat diabetes-ridden children to be healthy by forcing veggies down their throats at school. Yes, there should be better options, but trust me on this, you need discipline and good parenting to force kids to eat well.
    On the other hand, the reason we even have to argue about this stupid issue is because the government has tasked itself with feeding kids. And they’ve made up ridiculous standards to make it easier for more and more kids to be dependent on government as early as possible.
    I don’t really care about this either way. But I will say that it’s pretty horrible that the media is freaking out over this just because it’s an insult to princess Michelle Obama, when they didn’t really give a damn when Obama spat on the foothold that the military had in Iraq, just to crap on George Dubya Bush’s legacy. That actually mattered, that led to ISIS, and that led to even more instability in the Middle East, and more torturous murders. But hey, let’s get all worked up about Michelle Obama being insulted instead.
    ~ ~ ~
    That’s it for Saturday. I do hope you’re having a good weekend. Have an open thread, give me some predictions to guide my NFL championship betting tomorrow.
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