Joe Rogan CRUSHES transgender arguments on hormones for kids

Judge BLASTS Kim Foxx’s office for not treating another false police report like Jussie Smollett
A judge in Cook County is not happy with Kim Foxx’s office and the
obvious double standard in a new case involving a false police report.
In this case, a woman filed a false police report and Kim Foxx’s office
is prosecuting her. And the judge is pissed about it:
Here’s a tweet of the partial court transcript where the judge questioned the prosecutors:FOX 32 – 21-year-old Candace Clark of Hoffman Estates says she’s the victim of a Kim Foxx double standard, and a Cook County Judge agrees.
On April 11, Clark appeared in the Rolling Meadows courtroom of Cook County Judge Marc Martin, facing a single felony count of making a false police report.
Clark is accused of giving an acquaintance access to her bank account and then telling police money had been stolen, something she denies.
According to a transcript obtained by FOX 32, Judge Martin hammered prosecutors, asking, “I’d like to know why Ms. Clark is being treated differently than Jussie Smollett. It’s a disorderly conduct case. A lot less egregious than Mr. Smollett’s case. I have a problem with it.”
Prosecutors were demanding that Clark make full restitution of $2,800 and serve deferred prosecution, something not required of Smollett.
“Ms. Clark is not a movie star, she doesn’t have a high-priced lawyer,” said Judge Martin. “And this smells big time. Your office created this mess. There’s no publicity on this case. Press gets ahold of this; it’ll be the newspaper.”
A spokesperson for Kim Foxx says because the case is ongoing, they have no comment.
“I’m not Jussie Smollett,” said Clark. “I wish I was, but it’s OK. I’ll get my justice.”
Clark, who has no previous criminal history, is due back in front of Judge Martin Thursday.
Smollett double standard? Cook Co. Judge Marc Martin rips Kim Foxx’s office for its handling of false police report case involving suburban woman. Wonders why they’re not giving her same consideration they gave @JussieSmollett. Exclusive story tonight @fox32news— Dane Placko FOX 32 (@dsplacko) April 24, 2019

State Trooper puts idiot protesters in their PLACE after they claim racial profiling!
Here’s a great video for you to enjoy.
A state trooper in Arizona confronted a protester for approaching one of his officers while in a traffic stop. He gave the female with the video camera fair warning that if she ever did that again he would arrest her.
And that’s when it got good:
Person: "That individual is being racially profiled for being brown."
Police Officer: "Wow, you are about as ignorant as I've ever met. Oh my God, go do something else. Go have fun. It's Friday night, man. Don't be such an idiot. Put that on your website."
“Oh shut up with that crap!”
And when he engages them again, the protester in the background claims the man being detained is “for being brown.” The Trooper then calls them out for being the idiots that they are:
“Wow, you are about as ignorant as I’ve ever met. My goodness. Oh my god, go do something else. Go have fun. Go do something – it’s Friday night, man. Don’t be such an idiot. Put that on your website.”
BOOM! I Love how he said “put that on your website” as he was walking away. State Troopers are the best!
Okay, consier this your open thread for the night! Enjoy!

Joe Biden says "I will be more mindful about respecting personal space in the future"
Former Vice President Joe Biden addresses statements from some women
that his physical contact with them made them uncomfortable, on camera
for the first time since the allegations were made. In a video posted
online, Biden says he will be “more mindful” about respecting “personal
With speculation mounting that he'll enter the 2020 race for president, former Vice President Joe Biden posted a video to his Twitter and Instagram accounts on Wednesday addressing recent accusations of inappropriate behavior by several women.
Social norms are changing. I understand that, and I’ve heard what these women are saying. Politics to me has always been about making connections, but I will be more mindful about respecting personal space in the future. That’s my responsibility and I will meet it.
Biden then pivots to newer social norms and makes a promise to be more aware of his own actions in the future: "the boundaries of protecting personal space have been reset. And I get it, I get it. I hear what they're saying. I understand it. And I'll be much more mindful, that's my responsibility."
He then finishes by returning to the message of "connecting with people. That won't change but I will be more mindful and respectful of peoples' personal space."
In the last week, multiple women have come forward to discuss experiences with Biden in which they said he touched them inappropriately. Biden's apparent lack of boundaries has been a topic of conversation before, but they're being explored in the new light of the #MeToo era.
Similarly, Biden's poor treatment of Anita Hill during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings, during which Hill was questioned about accusations of sexual harassment she made against Thomas, were recently revisited with regards to the Brett Kavanaugh hearings.
All of that said, one important point about Biden's video is that he never issues a direct apology, either in general or to the specific women who made the allegations.
And that didn't escape notice on Twitter.
Steadman™ : This follows the pattern of what Biden has said about crime bill and Anita Hill. A regretful tone but an avoidance of admitting direct fault
Social norms are changing. I understand that, and I’ve heard what these women are saying. Politics to me has always been about making connections, but I will be more mindful about respecting personal space in the future. That’s my responsibility and I will meet it.
Marina Fang : Not heard in this video: "I'm sorry."
Social norms are changing. I understand that, and I’ve heard what these women are saying. Politics to me has always been about making connections, but I will be more mindful about respecting personal space in the future. That’s my responsibility and I will meet it.
Julie DiCaro : You can believe that Joe Biden is a decent human being/ public servant AND that he's failed to care enough about women to understand their unfair/unequal treatment by society, from Anita Hill to his "handsiness."
Being decent doesn't innoculate people from their blindspots.
Social norms are changing. I understand that, and I’ve heard what these women are saying. Politics to me has always been about making connections, but I will be more mindful about respecting personal space in the future. That’s my responsibility and I will meet it.
Nathan McDermott : Should be noted that Biden doesn't actually apologize or admit he did anything wrong. Rather, he's saying that people are upset with him because society has changed and his actions were actually okay at a different time, they just aren't in fashion today.
Social norms are changing. I understand that, and I’ve heard what these women are saying. Politics to me has always been about making connections, but I will be more mindful about respecting personal space in the future. That’s my responsibility and I will meet it.

Donald Trump has some issues with "oranges."
But now, over two years into Trump’s presidency, the court finally a significant makeover:
FOX NEWS – For the first time in more than three decades, Republican-appointed judges will soon occupy nearly half the seats on the left-leaning 9th Circuit Court of Appeals — dealing a setback to progressive legal advocates who have long seen the court as a safe bet for favorable rulings.
The radical transformation of the San Francisco-based court is largely the result of President Trump’s aggressive push to nominate conservative judges and bypass traditional consultations with Senate Democrats — a practice that has led to repeated howls of protest from California’s two Democratic senators, Kamala Harris and Judiciary Committee ranking member Dianne Feinstein. The 9th Circuit has a sprawling purview over cases arising in nine western states, including California, Hawaii, and Oregon.
Once Trump’s latest picks to the 9th Circuit, including Ken Lee and Dan Collins, are confirmed as expected and remaining vacancies are filled, 13 of the 29 active seats on the key appellate court will be filled with judges picked by Republican presidents. At this time last year, 16 judges on the 9th Circuit were appointed by Democrats, with only six chosen by Republicans.
So it seems quite fitting that almost half of the court will now be filled with judges who understand that the Constitution is the highest law of the land and not liberal ideals.
In related news, there’s a report out there that suggests Trump is planning on nominating Amy Coney Barrett if Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat ever comes open.

Andy McCarthy explains why it’s just DUMB that Democrats want to subpoena the FULL Mueller report
Tomorrow Democrats plan to vote in the House Judiciary Committee on subpoenaing the DOJ for the full unredacted Mueller report.
But Andy McCarthy explains why it’s just dumb that Democrats are even going down this road for two reasons.
McCarthy argues the most consequential testimonies that Democrats
care about will more than likely be in the Mueller report because they aren’t protected by secrecy laws:
“What’s oddest about this whole thing is that they’re posturing over an empty bag, because the grand jury material is likely to be the least important, least significant stuff in the Mueller report,” McCarthy said. “All of the important witnesses for the Democrats who are Trump administration people cooperated with the special counsel and voluntarily sat for interviews. So their material is likely not covered by grand jury secrecy rules – they likely didn’t have to testify for the grand jury.”Not to mention, as he points out, that the grand jury information is protected by the law and therefore can’t be released.
He suggested if they wanted to do something productive, they should try and change the law:
“If they wanted to do something useful, instead of doing all this nonsense about a subpoena, which is probably going to be completely unnecessary, if they’re so worried about it, I don’t know why they don’t just propose an amendment to rule 6E, which would allow Congress to get the grand jury material in Special Counsel investigations,” he said.Exactly. Barr is following the law and Democrats think they can subpoena him to break the law and the courts will honor their subpoena and compel Barr? That’s ridiculous on its face.
“They can issue a subpoena, but I think they’re kidding themselves if they think they can compel Attorney General Barr to turn it over. They can try to hold him in contempt, but hold him in contempt for following the law? I don’t get that,” McCarthy added.
Lastly here’s video of Nadler, who is trying to force the FULL Mueller report to be disclosed, arguing the very opposite with regard to the Ken Starr report on Bill Clinton:

Breaking News: Eric Holder unloads on Senator Mitch McConnell: 'Unpatriotic'
In a new interview with Ari Melber, Attorney General Eric Holder
discusses Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, saying McConnell has
done "a whole bunch of unpatriotic things and that "history will not be
kind to him". Holder and Melber discuss a wide range of topics, from
2020 Democratic candidates, to criminal justice reform, to the Obama
administration's immigration policies.
At a press conference today, McConnell weighed in on Trump’s threat to close the border.
When asked if Congress could do anything in response if Trump closed
the border, McConnell simply acknowledged the crisis but suggested that
Trump shouldn’t close down the border because of the potentially
“catastrophic economic impact”.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says "we certainly have a crisis on the border," but "closing down the border would have potentially catastrophic economic impact on our country and I would hope we would not be doing that sort of thing"
“Closing down the border would have potentially catastrophic economic impact on our country and I would hope we would not be doing that sort of thing.”Way to have the president’s back…
Seriously, instead of undermining Trump, McConnell should have put the onus on Democrats to fix our immigration laws if they don’t want the border closed, acknowledging that even though it’s not something he’d like to see, the president has to deal with this unprecedented crisis.
Rather, he throws Trump under the bus. This is why it’s so hard for Republicans to win.

Lib ‘sex-worker’ goes into full meltdown with HYSTERICAL rant over Georgia’s ‘heartbeat’ bill
This is just so ridiculous.
A ‘sex-worker’ named Asuka Cortez went into full meltdown mode this weekend in a hysterical video over Georgia’s ‘heartbeat’ bill.
The video is full of inaccuracies which the Daily Wire corrects below.
But what’s crazier to me is how insane Cortez gets about this bill, saying her body anatomy (?) is being taken from her and that she shouldn’t have to have a “f—ing child” in her if she doesn’t want it a “f—ing child” in her.
She said this bill is terrifying for women all around the world!
The first time I watched this I found myself yelling at my computer screen. I’ll leave to your imagination what I may have said, but the notion that she wants to keep having sex and yet doesn’t want to have “f—ing child” in her is what made me blow my top.
I’d much rather she get herself ‘fixed’ than to murder unborn babies. And I say that knowing full well how the church views this.
But she’s sounds unwilling to have the ‘fixing’ done, yet she’s totally ok with murdering unborn babies? Absolutely evil.