President Biden says US-led evacuation from Kabul is accelerating
On Sunday, Biden told the nation he’s "made a lot of progress" with Afghanistan and "history is going to record this was the logical and rational decision to make."
Excuse me while I go outside and scream.
You won’t believe Biden’s comments on the Taliban. Instead of delivering a strong warning, Biden said, "the Taliban will need economic assistance" and foreign aid because "they are seeking legitimacy." And by the way, the Taliban are "a ragtag outfit" who "don’t control all their forces." Oh great.
Biden did deliver a few tactical details. U.S. forces have extended the security perimeter around the Kabul airport. The Taliban "cooperated." But, as Biden acknowledged, the "security environment is changing rapidly." He’s talking with the Taliban about extending operations after Aug. 31 but hopes he won’t have to.
How to describe Biden’s perspective? Shallow. Incompetent. Inflexible. Unrepentant. It’s so scary that Biden can’t admit his Afghan policy went wrong, fire some people, and fix this.
Biden sure has his own take on the crisis.
On Sunday, Biden tried to get America to focus on the heroic airlift while insisting his Afghanistan policy will turn out to be right. He once again painted a false choice between escalating the war and just getting out.
According to him, the withdrawal would have been just as bad if it had started a month earlier or later. He praised the evacuation of 11,000 individuals in a 30-hour period over the weekend and thanked the nations that agreed to host transit sites. I agree with him there – the U.S. Air Force running this airlift is fantastic and no other air force in the world could pull it off. However, he had no explanation for why he waited a week to activate the Civil Reserve Airlift Fleet to help out. His White House makes fresh mistakes daily.
It’s very disturbing how Biden shrugs off the anger and shame of our allies and the 800,000 American forces who fought in Afghanistan over the years.
Biden is so clueless that he thinks he’s putting America in a better position. He said Moscow and Beijing are impressed that the U.S. is no longer bogged down in Afghanistan. Actually, Russia and China are gloating at the U.S. failure.
As Biden acknowledged, the airport throng is now a tempting target for terror attacks by an outfit called ISIS-Khorasan. ISIS-K is the Afghanistan branch of ISIS and they have sleeper cells in Kabul and a yen to start external operations, U.S. and UN officials told Voice of America back in February.
Biden is a terrible commander-in-chief. He doesn’t have an ounce of strategic agility. Yet again, Biden came off as arrogant, not humble. His earnest words about the "heartbreaking" evacuation scenes clashed with the simmering tension and defensiveness he displayed as he answered press questions.
Most chilling of all was Biden’s insistence that "when this is over the American people will have a clear understanding of what I did. I’m convinced I’m correct."
Make no mistake. Afghanistan was a problem for years, but it was Biden’s disastrous string of decisions since July that caused the fall of Kabul and took a huge chunk of America’s reputation along with it.
Tags: Afghanistan, Joe Biden, President Biden

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