President Joe Biden says terrorists will pay for Afghan attack that killed US ‘heroes’
"We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay," Biden said in early evening remarks from the White House, hours after the Pentagon said 12 service members had been killed in two separate suicide blasts outside the airport gates. Shortly after Biden spoke, US Central Command announced an additional US service member has died, with a total of 18 wounded. Ten Marines were among the 13 service members killed.
Biden has said from the beginning that we were depending on the Taliban for a successful evacuation. Little did we know just how much we were depending on them.
Now, as thousands of Americans and Afghan allies are left behind by Biden because he’s too much of a coward to stand up to the Taliban, these ‘targets’ have to worry about the Taliban tracking them down and executing them. Biden is setting up a potential bloodbath because of his irresponsible and horrific evacuation policies.
Just when you thought Biden couldn’t make this any worse…
Tags: Afghanistan, Joe Biden, President Joe Biden

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