WH Comms Director Kate Bedingfield claimed : "The president never shies away from taking questions."
This is something you don’t normally see on MSNBC. In fact, hardly ever.
But this morning MSNBC host Willie Geist grilled White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield on what they are doing to get our people out of Afghanistan:
I know that’s 10 minutes of a MSNBC interview you probably don’t want to watch, but I’m telling you this one is different. Willie Geist is laser focused on finding out what the Biden administration is doing to get our people out and refuses to allow Bedingfield to try and change the subject.
A few points. Bedingfield admits they still don’t know how many Americans are in Kabul. You’d think by now that would know this based on all the Americans who have contacted them about getting to the airport. She also pushes the BS that this is all part of Biden’s pre-planned effort to get people out of there, that they planned for the chaos or something. Just lies.
Secondly, I love how Keilar mentions that the British and the French are actually going into Kabul and extracting their people, yet we are not doing it. She wants to know what Biden is doing to get our people out. And all Bedingfield keeps saying is that Biden is ‘laser focused’ on getting Americans out who want to get out. That’s right, she said ‘who want to get out’. Like who in the hell actually wants to live under Taliban rule???
Willie read between the lies and accused the White House of really saying they are prepared to leave people behind. Bedingfield just repeated what she’d already said, that they are working to get out everyone who wants to get out. In other words, if you really want to get out, you’ll find a way to the airport.
The last point I’ll note is that yesterday we told you the Biden administration was hoping to get 6,000 people out of Kabul by last night. But Willie opens the clip noting that they only got out 3,000 in the last 24 hours, which she says means plenty of empty seats on these military cargo planes. What this really means is that people are NOT getting to the airport, as we feared. And it’s not a shock because we keep seeing videos and reports that the Taliban are going back on their word to allow safe passage for Americans to the airport.
This Biden disaster still rages. He’s so under the gun that he’s set to give another speech today to claim that this is all part of the plan or something. It’ll be later this afternoon.
Tags: Afghanistan, Kate Bedingfield, MSNBC, Willie Geist

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